COMPUREG Plzeņ s.r.o.
Information about us
Having been founded in 1993, the company specializes in the domains of:
- Industrial control and information systems (primarily for rolling mills)
- Information systems for biochemical laboratories including on-line connection of laboratory devices, mainly biochemical analyzers
- Research of industrial control and decision-making under uncertainty
Postal address | COMPUREG Plzen, s.r.o. P.O.Box 334 306 34 Plzen Czech Republic |
Workplace and delivery address | COMPUREG Plzen, s.r.o. Pod Kosutkou 4 323 00 Plzen Czech Republic |
phone | 377 220 709 |
fax | 377 236 399 |
e-mail |  |
last modified: 7/12/2015 | # visits: | © COMPUREG Plzeņ, s.r.o. | web: Thritton 2007 | design: Z | translation: Ettlang