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COMPUREG Plzeņ s.r.o.

Research & Development

Our company participates in R&D projects concerning advanced control systems, data processing and decision support. We established a long-term partnership with the Department of Adaptive Systems at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague (UTIA AVCR), Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia and Department of Cybernetics at the University of West Bohemia in Plzen (KKY ZCU).


COMPUREG currently participates together with 11 European partners in research project INEVITABLE aiming to optimize and improve technological processes in metal industry by digital technologies


Being a part of Eurostars/EUREKA programme, our recent application-oriented research project called ProDisMon (Probabilistic Distributed Industrial System Monitor) was launched in January 2013 and completed by the end of 2015. The project consortium consisted of COMPUREG (principal investigator and coordinator), UTIA and two Slovenian partners: Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana and INEA, d.o.o.

Our previous Eurostars/EUREKA research project called ProBaSensor (Probabilistic Bayesian Soft Sensor) was successfully completed in spring 2012 by testing the project results in two industrial facilities. This project consortium again consisted of COMPUREG (principal investigator and coordinator), UTIA and the two above-mentioned Slovenian partners.

For 7 years, COMPUREG was a member of the research centre DAR (Data, Algorithms, Decision Making), co-funded by Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. The DAR project was completed by the end of 2011.

The BADDYR (Bayesian Adaptive Distributed Dynamic Decision Making) project, within Information Society programme of AVCR,
was completed by the end of 2007.

In the past, our company and UTIA were co-operating with a number of foreign universities and research institutes
within a European research project called ProDacTool and within Networks of Excellence called EUROPOLY and DYCOMANS2.

last modified: 7/12/2015 | # visits: | © COMPUREG Plzeņ, s.r.o. | web: Thritton 2007 | design: Z | translation: Ettlang